Jim Knight, President & CEO
Stretch With Us in This Season of Gratitude and Awe
Dear Friends,
As Jubilee Housing approaches the end of another year of mission, I am struck simultaneously with deep gratitude for all that has been accomplished, and a sense of awe for what lies on the path ahead.

First, the gratitude. Jubilee Housing was founded in 1973, on the heels of the six-day riot that ensued following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It was begun originally as a “demonstration project” to show what a small group of committed volunteers could do in the face of persistent inequities in neighborhoods like Adams Morgan.
Who could have imagined then what would have followed? Forty-nine years offering deeply affordable housing for more than 10,000 District residents, serving as the seedbed for the birth of numerous sister non-profits, like Jubilee Jobs, Sitar Arts Center, and Jubilee JumpStart. Countless children born and raised, off to college and career. Families reunited and lives reclaimed after periods of duress.
Fast forward almost fifty years later, Adams Morgan and the surrounding communities have changed dramatically, becoming among the fastest growing areas in our city. And Jubilee’s focus has shifted to creating and preserving new deeply affordable housing, so that longtime residents are able to live and work in the communities they helped build.
Here is the awe.
Looking ahead to our 50th anniversary in 2023, Jubilee is well on the way to doubling in size and impact! Through the support of Justice Housing Partners, we raised nearly $7 million in investments that enabled Jubilee Housing to acquire three new properties in neighboring Mount Pleasant, totaling 165 homes, in October. In November, we closed on construction financing for the EucKal project. It will produce 50 new units of deeply affordable housing and a new workforce development hub for Jubilee partner, Sitar Arts Center.
In the new year, we expect to proceed with construction at Ontario Place and King Emmanuel Baptist Church to produce another 70 deeply affordable homes with a focus on supporting men and women overcoming periods of incarceration. Together that’s 285 new homes. 285 new families. Dozens of new children and youth. Scores of adults in the prime of life. And a host of elders who are ready to live and lead in community.
The organization will also begin renovations of four of Jubilee’s long-time properties, the Ritz, Mozart, Fuller and Marietta, upgrading kitchens and bathrooms, adding solar panels and other energy efficiency improvements, and expanding space available for after school and summer programming for students in kindergarten through sixth grade.
The awe comes in part from how hard we must stretch as an organization to meet these new mission objectives. Just like the families who live in the Jubilee community are constantly stretching to grow and meet the needs and opportunities of their lives. Intense growth is demanding!
The demonstration project was predicated on a new model. It required deep investment from the extended community to fund its operations, to help it build new capacities, and create new opportunities.
As we continue this crucial path of creating new housing and new life opportunities, we cannot do it alone — we need you to stretch with us!
We invite you to join us again to help us deliver on the work that is underway — doubling the amount of deeply affordable housing in our core neighborhoods, and creating new opportunities for prosperity for more than 500 new residents.
We hope you will consider stretching with us by donating to our year-end appeal.
>> Give to help Jubilee create more justice housing.
Thank you for your partnership. The stretch is worth it!
With Gratitude,
Jim Knight
President & CEO
P. S. Listen out for more information about our Jubilee Year, as we turn 50 in 2023!