Testimonials from Our Partners in Justice Housing

50th Anniversary Stories
Testimonials from Our Partners in Justice Housing

Jubilee Housing’s commitment to Justice Housing is strengthened by its invaluable business partnerships. We celebrate the voices of our current partners who are motivated by a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of Justice Housing. Their stories highlight the diverse motivations and values that drive the collective effort to uplift and empower Jubilee’s work to build more equitable communities in DC. Hear firsthand from several of our partners about why they are dedicated to creating a lasting impact alongside Jubilee Housing.

Clark Construction

Melanie Nussdorf, Supporter & Advisor, A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation:

What motivated you to partner with and support Jubilee Housing?

Jubilee Housing is an organization that has been on the front burner for pretty much everybody who ever worked for Clark Construction. I would say at Clark Construction you did your job, you worked hard, you cared about integrity, and you were a good partner. My husband, Larry Nussdorf came to Washington in 1971 and Jim Clark was his first client. In 1973, when Jubilee Housing began, Jim and Oliver Carr, who were legendary partners, felt like this was something that they could do and should do. Jim was a big believer in if you make your success in a community, you give back to that community. And what would be more important to a builder than housing? I think homelessness, inadequate housing was something we talked about from the time Larry started at Clark until he died. From the start, that’s what Jubilee Housing was. They knew what they were doing, they did it quietly. They didn’t need a lot of public acclaim.

But building by building, they got people who were living in inadequate, horrible, unsafe housing into a place where it would be possible to have a family, keep a job, and live a better life. That attention to excellence was something that really attracted Clark people because a core value of the company is to do it well, be a good partner, and pay it back. So, it was natural for the Clark Company, Jim Clark, and Oliver Carr who were legends of the business community to be and stay involved with Jubilee Housing. Jubilee Housing has done a good job for so long. I think if Jubilee Housing had not done a good job, they would not still be here. Jubilee has, and they are. It’s 50 years of giving, 50 years of supporting Jubilee Housing.

What do you think is the importance of businesses partnering with organizations like Jubilee Housing — what words of advice would you have for businesses looking to get involved in their community?

Speaking for companies, I would say you want to hire good people and you want to model the behavior that will make your company a success and them a success. And that’s the behavior which I always talk about is Jim’s core values of hard work, excellence, integrity, loyalty, and giving back to the community. He used to say you can’t just give a lecture to your employees on the day they start and hope for the best. They have to see you doing it and they have to understand why it is an important value for the company… So, at a corporate level you are trying to build a community of employees who believe that they can and must give back. Then for all those people who work for the company, you want them to go home and teach their kids that they can and have to give back.

Metamer Studios

Benjamin Ross, CEO & Creative Director:

What motivated you to partner with and support Jubilee Housing?

Our team finds meaning in storytelling — specifically, stories about people helping other people for no reason other than “it’s the right thing to do.” In Jubilee Housing we’ve found not only an effective and motivated partner, but a team of people truly dedicated to making a meaningful difference in our world. We believe deeply in the Jubilee Housing mission — to give a person a home is to give them stability, a foundation, and a chance to thrive. To have a home is so meaningful and yet also so easily taken for granted. It’s been a rewarding gift to help share the story (and stories) of Jubilee Housing.

What do you think is the importance of businesses partnering with organizations like Jubilee Housing — what words of advice would you have for businesses looking to get involved in their community?

As a business, we were not satisfied with profit alone. Once we established our business and were steadily growing at a rate that we were happy with, we looked around and asked ourselves “what’s next?” We made the decision as a company to seek projects and partners that would give our team a sense of meaning beyond revenue. If you’re a business owner or leader and feel that the day-to-day operations just aren’t as exciting as maybe they could be, I highly suggest working with Jubilee Housing to find a way that you too can help amplify, extend, or otherwise support their important, altruistic work. We’ve found all sorts of unexpected benefits — for example sleeping well at night because you know you’re doing good in the world.

Wainger Group

Liz Wainger, President:

What motivated you to partner with and support Jubilee Housing?

Partnering with Jubilee Housing has been incredibly meaningful to know that we are helping people build their lives and futures. Housing is a platform or scaffolding on which people can find the stability, peace of mind and resources that so many of us take for granted that leads to better health, well-being, and economic opportunity.

What do you think is the importance of businesses partnering with organizations like Jubilee Housing — what words of advice would you have for businesses looking to get involved in their community?

It is important for business to get involved with organizations like Jubilee Housing to give back to the communities where you work and thrive. Businesses in my view have an obligation to work towards ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to grow and thrive.  And doing good is good for all business. 

Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS

Jack Devilbiss, Associate Partner:

What motivated you to partner with and support Jubilee Housing?

Jubilee Housing has a central and effective mission to provide Deeply Affordable Housing within the Washington, DC community. That mission aligns closely with the values and commitment to social justice and equity at Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS.

What do you think is the importance of businesses partnering with organizations like Jubilee Housing — what words of advice would you have for businesses looking to get involved in their community?

Jubilee Housing has a proven track record of successfully building community by implementing Justice Housing combined with Family Services. This creates a necessary foundation for DC families and neighborhoods. It is important for DC-based businesses, foundations, and services to partner with Jubilee Housing and similar organizations. Jubilee Housing is a prime example of a lens through which we can focus our care for our surrounding community. Jubilee magnifies that care, marries it with support from other resources, and applies it directly for tangible results that are accessible to those who need it most. Discussions and meetings with organizations like Jubilee Housing provide fulfilling opportunities for engagement and partnership with the DC community.

Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS is proud to contribute to a future where everyone has access to safe, affordable housing and the opportunities that come with it.

Bozzuto Construction

Kelly Cantley, Senior Vice President:

What motivated you to partner with and support Jubilee Housing?

Jubilee Housing is an organization that we have admired for many years, as we watched them create Justice Housing in Washington, DC. In our 37-year history, Bozzuto has supported housing initiatives such as Jubilee’s because we believe everyone deserves sanctuary. Several years ago, I had the opportunity to serve on the Jubilee Housing Real Estate Board. Since then, we have been fortunate to experience Jubilee’s important work firsthand, by supporting their development team as they create and preserve affordable communities. Our team also enjoys participating in events such as their annual Jubilee Housing Justice Housing Breakfast, volunteering at the Youth Services Summer Camp, and attending hard hat tours, which allow us to witness their great work.  We are honored to partner with Jubilee Housing, to help build these amazing projects, and spread the word about their critical mission.

What do you think is the importance of businesses partnering with organizations like Jubilee Housing — what words of advice would you have for businesses looking to get involved in their community?

Community projects require tailored approaches, presenting diverse opportunities for involvement. It is essential to collaborate with an organization that shares your community engagement objectives. You should choose a group whose mission resonates with you, inquire about their needs, and explore the best ways to contribute effectively to their goals.


Chuck Restivo, Vice President of Operations:

What motivated you to partner with and support Jubilee Housing?

This is an organization that is the real deal. Not only do they have a cohesive strategy and solid holistic approach, but they are also doing tremendous work in breaking the cycle of poverty. Part of our mission statement at UG2 is to be good citizens, with our employees, our customers, and in the communities we serve. I am proud to be a supporter of Jubilee.

What do you think is the importance of businesses partnering with organizations like Jubilee Housing — what words of advice would you have for businesses looking to get involved in their community?

At UG2, we endeavor to be citizens of our communities and to support equity, diversity, and inclusion. We believe in giving back to our communities and are committed to working together to improve the lives of others.

Red Stone Equity Partners

Darren Swanson, Managing Director:

What motivated you to partner with and support Jubilee Housing?

Between the incredible work they were doing in the District and the leadership’s obvious passion for helping others, I wanted to be part of their vision. 

What do you think is the importance of businesses partnering with organizations like Jubilee Housing — what words of advice would you have for businesses looking to get involved in their community?

Getting to play a role in a truly inspiring vision to help others! There are a lot of organizations doing important and meaningful work. At times, it can be challenging to focus on which is the right group to support through partnership. Before I make that decision, I like to see the product of an organization’s work, i.e., kick the tires as they say, and meet with the people who are behind the vision. For me and our organization, it only took one such trip to know that Jubilee was a group that we wanted to support through partnership. Thank you, Jubilee, for all that you do for others. Your work is changing lives.

We are deeply grateful to our partners for their unwavering support and dedication to Jubilee’s mission. Together, we are building a future where everyone has access to safe, stable, and equitable housing. Thank you for standing with us in this vital work!
