Supportive Services
Onsite & Nearby Resources
People who qualify for deeply affordable housing often face multiple barriers to thriving besides housing.
Jubilee aims to counter these barriers by providing supportive services in-house and through a network of partners, all located onsite or within a walkable area to ensure that transportation and distance are not prohibitive.
Jubilee’s in-house services include Youth Services for students in early childhood through college; Reentry Housing and Services for people returning from incarceration; and a broad spectrum of Resident and Family Services that advance housing stability, financial security, health, and community connection.
These services help residents to leverage their deeply affordable rent and the resources located around them into opportunities to thrive.
Closing Educational Gaps
Jubilee Youth Services provides K-12th grade out-of-school and summer programs to the Jubilee Housing and surrounding community. Our goals are to improve outcomes in the following areas: academics, health and wellness, community service, belonging, community building; and socio-economic growth
What Youth Services Provides
- Daily meals and snacks
- Safe and supportive learning environment
- STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) programming
- Community service opportunities
- College and career support
- Academic support and tutoring
- Enrichment through trips and activities
- Family workshops and referrals
Breaking Down Barriers
Jubilee’s Resident Services Program provides tailored, on-site support through trained Resident Service Coordinators who connect residents with a network of over 29 dedicated partners to provide comprehensive supportive services and programs for ourresidents.
Wholistic Approach
Without access to these services, residents may struggle with housing stability, food security, healthcare, financial literacy, and community engagement. Jubilee’s comprehensive approach helps residents access resources, creating a supportive environment where individuals can overcome barriers, build resilience, and feel connected.
Reclaiming Potential
Since 2011, Jubilee’s Reentry Housing Initiative (RHI) has served up to 20 returning citizens at a time in transitional housing, serving up to 45 people each year. The RHI program is designed to last up to one year, and assist returning citizens as they rebuild their lives.
Program Expansion
Two new properties will incorporate our Justice Housing® model by providing a place where residents returning from incarceration can thrive. The projects will include 70 affordable homes, a groundbreaking aquaponics farm and communal kitchen, which will provide jobs and nutritious foods to Jubilee residents and members of the community.